Reward Your Best Customers
Service Reminders
Monthly postcard mailers
Targets services at time-of-need
Customer Appreciation
Mails mid-Jun & mid-Dec
Targets your most loyal customers
Click Here For More Info
Loyalty Rewards
Mails 2nd month of each quarter
Targets your most loyal customers
OEM Sponsored Events
Mails 1st week of each month
Targets customers in need of tires
Would You Like To Increase Your Business?

Let Us Help! We help increase your business by targeting the right people with the right offers at the right time. We identify which of your customers need tires and service each month and send Service Reminder postcards to these customers.

Customer retention is the cornerstone of our program. We’ve been very successful strengthening relationships between customers and service centers. Our Loyalty Rewards and Customer Appreciation programs have successfully improved business for thousands of auto service centers.

We have great programs to help you find new customers too. Whether you take advantage of the OEM Sponsored Events or have your own ideas for a Custom Mailer, we can tailor services to fit your needs.
Click to learn more about Customer Appreciation
Welcome to WellSpring!
Your customer data is a critical piece of your marketing effort. We accept customer data from all Point of Sale Systems (ie. GBMS, ROWriter, Mitchell, Vast, ASA, and many others). Our technical support team will establish an intervention free data stream from your location to our data center using our proprietary LightSpeed Extractor.

All it takes is a quick phone call to begin the process and one of our highly trained service representatives will discuss:
Programs that will best meet your objectives
& budget
Artwork design ideas
& coupons to offer
Accessing your customer data
Design proofs
Mailing time lines
Call (877) 449-6245
or email us at
Retaining Your Core Customers With Our Targeted Programs
Customer retention is key. Keeping customers loyal and informed will generate more business filling your bays. Let your customers know that they are important to you. Planned programs that keep your business top-of-mind will keep your customers loyal.
Take advantage of:
Service Reminders
Customer Appreciation
Loyalty Rewards
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Copyright 2015 by WellSpring Group, Inc